One to One Work


 Work with Stephanie


What I’ve come to realize in the last few years is that I am here to help lead others into their E X P A N S I O N. Expansion is an opening, a liberation and a widening of what is possible for you. You can EXPAND your goals and dreams. You can EXPAND your energy and ability to sense energy. You can EXPAND the vision you have of yourself. You can EXPAND any part of you or any part of your life that you bring your awareness to. EXPANSION is inevitable but requires trust, enthusiasm and ACTION to flow in your life with ease and excitement.

You are already a wildly successful human - in any and every way success means to you. You have already done a lot of inner work finding out more about who you are and why you’re here. You’ve already been working on undoing, unlearning and deprogramming yourself from everything you experienced growing up. You know you’re here with a deep mission and a big purpose to help others through this extraordinary time on earth as humans awaken, expand in consciousness and reach a new evolution and new experience of what being human on Earth is. You know that there are bigger energies at play - cosmically and universally - and that this is happening whether we’re aware of it or not. We are EXPANDING, ascending and coming into something entirely new.

And in your knowing of all of this, you have been awakened to something deeper and more powerful within you. You know you’re here to create impact and positive change on this planet. Whether that means running your own business or practice, coaching others. or using practices and rituals you do in your own time that help bring more light to the world. Whatever the work means for you, it’s leading you to something that is meant to be shared and meant to help others move through this extraordinary time. Your growth and expansion was always meant to be shared, as is mine :)

We’re here to raise each other up. And I’m here to help accelerate your growth; to EXPAND your energy and to EXPAND your consciousness and awareness, so that you can come deeper into your soul’s knowing of why you’re here in this life. We work together with higher dimensional being (guides, angels, archangels, ancestors, the Council of Light, ETs and many more) to move your body and your energy into higher states of being, higher wisdom, higher frequencies and higher realities. Together we rise.

My work and my programs are here to help you see the greater aspects of you. To help you drop the small vision you have of yourself and what you think is possible or available for you in this life. What I have come to realize is that what we have access to is truly endless and limitless. That as we EXPAND, we can continue EXPANDING and EXPANDING. There’s no end. And as we EXPAND, we open ourselves up to the most immaculate and spectacular experiences. Experiences that are meant for us; meant for our soul’s evolution and growth.

this is the work we do together




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You are a powerful soul and a powerful creator, here to do great work. You’re ready to step into your next level by aligning deeper with your soul and your frequency. This is the place where we get to work together to move you into a more harmonious frequency and field of energy. We work together with the understanding that you are powerful and ready to anchor into powerful energies so that you can amplify your life.

We get to raise each other up with this work, coming into greater and greater frequencies, to spread that frequency out with our work and our field of energy. We get to become New Earth Leaders, ready to help others with our gifts.

If this is what you are desiring - if this resonates deep within you - please apply to work with me below. I would love to create true MAGIC, BLISS, SOUL EMBODIMENT and DIVINE ACTIVATION with you! For true E X P A N S I O N :)






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Healing Sessions

Individualized healing sessions, focused on what YOU need most at this moment in time. These sessions are distance healing and are incredibly powerful. Like all my sessions, we connect with your spiritual team and allow them to work for your highest good. These sessions help to move you through issues on the physical, emotional or spiritual levels.

These sessions are most helpful for:

  • physical pain, prolonged ailments, ailment recovery, chronic conditions

  • consciousness expansion, opening to higher energies, energetic activation, ascension support

  • shifting through heavy emotions, personal emotional intelligence, resolving deeper issues

  • self love, self acceptance, personal growth

Single session, approx. 1.5hrs each via Zoom (recording provided upon request - which can be used as a meditation and healing tool again and again!)


Activation Sessions

Connect with your guidance team and higher dimensional beings to receive deep cellular and DNA activations for further spiritual awakening, ascension and soul remembering.  These sessions help to bring you into a higher frequency, assisting your body to maintain a higher frequency continuously.

Approx 1hr session via Zoom


Soul Frequency Sessions

Connect with your guidance team and higher dimensional beings to help assist you to experience and anchor in your soul frequency.  Your soul frequency is the frequency your soul holds.  It is entirely unique to you and is held at the very center of your being.  It is the spark of life that exists within you that connects you to this life.  When we connect with our soul frequency, it feels like coming HOME.  Feeling and knowing your soul frequency assists you in your life on so many levels because it helps you recognize exactly what is for you and what is not for you - because you can attune to the frequency it holds and decipher whether or not it’s in resonance with your soul frequency.  This can help you attain your highest potential in this life.

3 consecutive sessions (weekly), approx 1hr each via Zoom


Book A Session With Stephanie


Group Activation Calls

These are something I’ve been guided to include which will allow greater access to the energies that are coming through me at this time. Group Activation Calls are pay what you can and each call has a specific focus and purpose for the activation. These are a very accessible and powerful way to work with Stephanie and receive amazing energetic upgrades and activations to enhance your receptivity to energy as well as advance you on your spiritual awakening.

Biweekly or Monthly. approx. 1hr each via Zoom

PWYC, SUGGested $25.00